Basic Competencies 3.5

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi  transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan pertentangan dan kebalikan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan even if  ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast to, nevertheless)


Learning Objectives


·    Identify the functions of the connectives: even if ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast to, and nevertheless in sentences.

·   Analyze the use of even if ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast to, and nevertheless in sentences.

·   Create sentences using the connectives: even if ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast to, and nevertheless.


  • Even if                         : Bahkan jika, sekalipun
  • Unless                         : Kecuali kalau
  • However                      : Namun, bagaimanapun
  • On the other hand       : Di samping itu
  • In contrast to               : Berlawanan dengan
  • Nevertheless               : Namun demikian, meskipun
  • Handling                      : Penanganan             
  • Unsociable                  : Tidak ramah
  • Mobility                        : Mobilitas
  • Countryside                 : Pedesaan
  • Comfortable                 : Nyaman       
  • ringing tones                : Nada dering
  • Disturb                         : Mengganggu
  • At all                            : Sama sekali
  • Oppositions                 : Perlawanaan, pertentangan
  • Adversative                 : Perlawanaan
  • Emphasize                  : Menekankan


·    A conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses.

·   Contrastive / Adversative conjunctions are used to emphasize the contrast between two ideas and to link two ideas.

Example and Analysis

1. Even if computers helped me a lot in handling my secretarial work, some people thought that computer users were unsociable. 

2. Many people say that cars in the city cause many troubles, but I don't think so. It is important for me. Unless public transportation covers all parts of the city, cars are important for my mobility. 

3.  Living in the countryside is very comfortable. However, living in the city is more comfortable. 

4.  I agree with the opinion that the ringing tones of mobile phones often disturb us. On the other hand, I can't imagine how I can handle my work efficiently without a mobile phone. 

5.  In contrast to its dangers, nuclear energy is the cheapest alternative energy we can use in the future. 

6. They say that education is very important today. Nevertheless, education is very expensive. some children go without education at all. 







Computers helped me a lot in handling my secretarial work

Even if

Some people thought that computer users were unsociable.


Cars are important for my mobility


Public transportation doesn’t cover all parts of the city.


Living in the countryside is very comfortable


Living in the city is more comfortable.


Ringing tones of mobile phones often disturb us

On the other hand

I can’t imagine how I can handle my work efficiently without a  mobile phone.


The cheapest alternative energy we can use in the future

In contrast to

The dangers of nuclear energy.


Education is very important today


Some children go without education at all.


·  Contrastive conjunctions are often used to express or indicate contrast or opposite meaning between two statements.

·   It is sometimes called adversative conjunction.

·   When it is used at the beginning of the sentence, they are called conjunctive adverbs.

·  The most common Contrastive or adversative conjunctions: even if ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast to, nevertheless.

·    A comma follows.

Detail Explanation

    a detailed explanation and to make you easy to understand, you might better watch the YouTube link below.


· Theresia, Sudarwati M & Grace, Eudia. (2007). Pathway to English Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII Kelompok Peminatan. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

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